Use of “Should have had” in Hindi

दोस्तों आजकी इस post में हम should have had in English के बारे में बात करने वाले है आज हम जानेगे की should have had का हिंदी में क्या अर्थ होता है, और इसके साथ साथ हम इससे जुड़े हुए कुछ Practice examples को भी देखेंगे |

Should have had meaning in Hindi

Should have had का हिंदी में मतलब होता है “किसी के पास कुछ होना चाहिए था “,

Should have had का हिंदी में प्रयोग हम तब करते है जब किसी के पास कुछ वस्तु होनी चाहिए थी या कुछ चीज़ होनी चाहिए थी तब उस वाक्य को इंग्लिश में बोलने के लिए Should have had का प्रयोग करना पड़ता है |

Means You should have something in the past for doing something in past.

should have hadin english and hindi
should have hadin english and hindi

Daily life examples :-

मान लो आप सब अपने दोस्तों के साथ कही घूमने के लिए गये हो और वहाँ जाने के बाद आपने अपने किसी दोस्त से कोई वस्तु मागी जिसकी आपको उस time जरूरत पड़ रही थी तब ने बोला भाई वो वस्तु देना और तब वो आपसे मना कर दे की यार मेरे पास नहीं है तब आप उससे बोलोगे

आपके पास वो वस्तु होनी चाहिए थी

इस तरह से इसके बहूत सारे examples है जिसके दुवारा आप इसको आसानी से समझ सकते हो मैंने इसके निचे बहूत सारे वाक्य बनाये है जिससे आपको इसे समझने में आसानी होगी

Where we use should have had in English

मान लो मुझे बोलना है की ” आपके पास पैसे होने चाहिए थे ” तब मैं इस वाक्य को बोलने के लिए अंग्रेजी में should have had का प्रयोग करूंगा जैसे की :

आपके पास पैसे होने चाहिए थे
You should have had money.

Should have had sentences in Hindi

  1. उसके पास कार होनी चाहिए थी
    He should have had a car.
  2. मेरे पास पेन होना चाहिए था
    I should have had a pen.
  3. इनके पास कंप्यूटर होना चाहिए था
    These should have had a computer.
  4. दिवेश के पास किताब होनी चाहिए थी
    Divesh should have had a computer.
  5. हमारे पास घर होना चाहिए था
    We should have had a house.
  6. आपके पास पैसे होने चाहिए थे
    You should have had money.

More examples:

Here we discuss some more examples related to Should have had in English and Hindi with meaning

  1. You should have had a smartphone in the past to do that thing.
  2. He should have had a TV to watch.
  3. You should have had a tripod stand for making films.
  4. They should have had some new things for doing that.
  5. I should have had a good mind for watching that movie.
  6. Mohan should have had a car for driving.
For Your Practice –

आपके पास अच्छा सा घर होना चाहिए था

Solve this in the comment box.

FAQ related to this –

Q.1 Is should have had correct?

Yes Should have had is a correct modal verb, the actual meaning of should have had is you should have something in the past for examples

  • You should have had a smartphone in the past to do that thing.
  • Q.2 Should have had meaning?

    Its meaning is you should have something in the past.

    Q.3 Should have had or should had?

    “Should had” is nothing, there is no meaning related to should had because with modal verbs 1st form always comes, and had is not the 1st form of the verb. But should have had is right at its place in the sense of English grammar.

    तो दोस्तों आपको हमारी पोस्ट कैसी लगी है जरुर बताईये अगर आपको englishgrammar से जुडी इसी और topic से कोई परेशानी है तो आप हमे comment box में उसको बताना न भूले हम पूरी कोसिस करेंगे की आपकी इस समस्या का समाधान करे धन्यवाद |

    यह भी पढ़े :-
    1. Present indefinite tense in detail
    2. Present Continuous Tense in detail
    3. Present perfect tense in Hindi with detail
    4. Present perfect continuous tense in Hindi
    5. Would have in Hindi

    Hey, I have done my B. Tech from YMCA University Faridabad. I am an Expert in English language, SEO, Digital marketing. And now through this blog, I am Helping English learners To learn English through Hindi. You can visit our youtube channel " English With chintu " Chintu Yaduvanshi

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